HOT Return of the Warrior by Kinley MacGregor ios get prewiew itunes download

HOT Return of the Warrior by Kinley MacGregor ios get prewiew itunes download

HOT Return of the Warrior by Kinley MacGregor ios get prewiew itunes download

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Book description
Fearless men, their allegiance is to each other, to the oppressed, and to the secret society known as the Brotherhood of the Sword -- and they must never surrender to the passionate yearnings of their noble hearts.Fiercely devoted to her people and her land, Queen Adara refuses to let a power-mad usurper steal her crown. But the only way to protect what is hers is to seek out the man she married in childhood.A proud, tormented warrior, Christian of Acre owes allegiance only to the mysterious Brotherhood -- and has no wish to be king over anyone but himself. Now a bold and beautiful stranger has appeared in his rooms, tempting him with an irresistible seduction and demanding he accompany her back to their kingdoms ... or, at the very least, provide her with an heir to her throne. Though he cannot abandon the brave regal lady to her enemies, Christian dares not give in to his traitorous bodys desires. Yet how can he deny the passion that is rightfully his and the ecstasy that awaits him in Adaras kiss?
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