HOT Remember Me by Lesley Pearse mp3 read iBooks txt get

HOT Remember Me by Lesley Pearse mp3 read iBooks txt get

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Book description
How far must you go to find love?The Queen of Storytellers is back - with a triumphant tale of one womans struggle over adversity.In 1786 a fishermans daughter from Cornwall called Mary Broad was sentenced to be hung for theft. But her sentence was commuted, and she was transported to Australia, one of the first convicts to arrive there.How Mary escaped the harsh existence of the colony and found true love, and how she was captured and taken back to London in chains, only to be released after a trial where she was defended by no less than James Boswell, is one of the most gripping and moving stories of human endeavour (based on an amazing true story) you will ever read
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