HOT Regency Romance:: Lady Laura and the Captain (The Dowagers Pact Trilogy) by Amelia Fernside store download purchase reader phone

HOT Regency Romance:: Lady Laura and the Captain (The Dowagers Pact Trilogy) by Amelia Fernside store download purchase reader phone

HOT Regency Romance:: Lady Laura and the Captain (The Dowagers Pact Trilogy) by Amelia Fernside store download purchase reader phone

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Book description

Book description
Regency Romance: Laura and the Captain, Book One of The Dowagers’ Pact Trilogy, is a short story by Amelia Fernside. *** Who says you have to be young and beautiful to find a suitable husband? Laura was the same woman inside, the same woman who fell in love with Percy Willoughby, the same woman who loved the seaside and epic poems, yet her wrapping was so different. At her age her hands had the quality of ancient parchment, and her blonde hair had transformed into strands of silver. She met with her two closest friends, dowagers both. They were aging alongside her, which made it more palatable, yet there was a hollowness within. Laura missed being part of a partnership. She missed having a man in her life. She had been a wife for so long it had become an integral portion of her identity. She would never cease being a mother, a grandmother, a friend, or a poet. So she could scarcely stop being a wife. Thus began the strange and wonderful odyssey of three dowagers who, in the face of society’s scorn, decided to shun the regency rules of romance, and find new love – because love was more important than anything. But their journey wasn’t easy. Laura eventually met retired Army Captain Charles Parry, a tormented war veteran whose past wouldn’t quite stay in the past. Charles was a volatile sort. Time and time again, just when Laura thought she might be falling in love with Charles, he exploded and broke up their relationship. Then he would apologize, and they would try again. But he refused to tell Laura what was troubling him. Finally he told her everything. Laura reluctantly agreed to give him one more chance. All seemed to be going well. Then a man appeared who had been a soldier in Captain Parry’s unit. He had a gun, and he pointed it at Charles. And then at Laura. *** Free on Kindle Unlimited, or just 99 cents.
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