HOT Red Hood/Arsenal (2015-) #1 by Scott Lobdell read itunes how read fb2 macbook

HOT Red Hood/Arsenal (2015-) #1 by Scott Lobdell read itunes how read fb2 macbook

HOT Red Hood/Arsenal (2015-) #1 by Scott Lobdell read itunes how read fb2 macbook

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Book description
Ugh. I love Jason Todd. Im pretty sure the Bat family has me loyally loving and supporting works in the following order: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian (occasionally-mostly-in-fan-fiction), and Cassandra. I was looking forward to seeing how they would handle this new duo without Starfire. Im happy that Star fire is going solo, but this review spoke into existence all my feels. I first went----what...when did DC EVER make reading a graphic novel just like eating candy?! ARE THEY NOW TRYING TO CHANNEL MARVELS RENOWNED CANDY FEELS?! Wheres the heavy, brooding, dark, depressing, gritty stories that DC is known for. WHERES THE BELIEVABLE ANGST AND TENSION!? I digress, I know tons of readers that will receive enjoyment out of this series, but Im just not feeling this relaunch. I need a good team-up or bromance between characters. Suicide Squad did not do it for me----Im missing some team up love in my life.
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