HOT Quilting Designs from Nature by Lone J. Minkkinen fb2 kickass find free iBooks

HOT Quilting Designs from Nature by Lone J. Minkkinen fb2 kickass find free iBooks

HOT Quilting Designs from Nature by Lone J. Minkkinen fb2 kickass find free iBooks

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Step away from the usual look of continuous line quilting designs into the natural world of a Danish artist with these extraordinary patterns. Drawing from such venues as the barn yard, a pond, the ocean, a forest, and a field of flowers, Lone brings flora and fauna to unusual life. Her birds and beasts can populate individual blocks or stretch along borders. They can be enlarged or reduced to create pantographs or the most intricate fill patterns. Each design was created for continuous machine quilting, but hand quilters will find these shapes beautifully adaptable.
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