HOT Prince Ivan by Peter Morwood kindle online bookshop without signing full version

HOT Prince Ivan by Peter Morwood kindle online bookshop without signing full version

HOT Prince Ivan by Peter Morwood kindle online bookshop without signing full version

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Overall I enjoyed the book. I like Russian fairy-tales, and there were some interesting variations on the usual themes. For example, Morwoods Prince Ivan isnt the youngest of three brothers, but instead has three older sisters, all of whom marry sorcerers who later help Ivan in his troubles. For Ivan has troubles, and though theyre largely a product of his own poor judgement (as they usually are in these stories), he actually makes his worst mistake through a piece of misguided kindness while under magical influence, so its not as bad as it could be. The Too Stupid To Live trope is the one that drives me wilder than any other. Theres plenty going on - there are several setbacks, pretty major ones, not just the resolution of a single problem then straight to the happily-ever-after that can make some fairy-tale retellings so dull.I also enjoyed the language. The prose is very conversational, in the style of old-fashioned stories for children, and I have a nostalgic fondness for that particular style. Morwood peppers the dialogue with Russian words and phrases, to add colour, which works well enough but is sometimes overdone. His creepy description of Baba Yagas house with its fence of human bones is particularly effective, though.All that being said, I wouldnt rate the book over three stars. The plot drags in places, and just didnt hold my interest all that well in other places. The characters arent especially well-developed, though theyre faithful representations of their fairy-tale archetypes, and I found myself more concerned with Ivans horse than with Ivan at one point, since Ivan was so obviously perfectly safe. If youre looking to read about Tsarevich Ivan, Koschei the Undying, and their usual supporting cast, Id recommend Mercedes Lackeys Firebird instead. The prose is stronger, the characters better drawn and more personable, and it has much more convincing peril for poor Ivan.
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