HOT Plank Houses by Riley Flynn buy tom english download itunes

HOT Plank Houses by Riley Flynn buy tom english download itunes

HOT Plank Houses by Riley Flynn buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
American Indians built plank houses of various sizes for shelter, special ceremonies and as sweat houses. They could be decorated with painted images or totem poles. The American Indian Homes is a collection of books in the First Facts series. Titles in the collection cover different types of American Indian homes using child friendly language and images. The books are geared towards newly independent readers, grades 1-2. The Plank Houses book contains a glossary, read more, internet sites, critical thinking using the common core and index section. Every two pages consist of a factual page, which includes bolded words, and a photo with either an American Indian related fact or definition or previous page’s highlighted word. The glossary repeats the bolded words and definitions found throughout the book, but it also includes correct pronunciation for each word. Recommended for school and public libraries.
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