HOT Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Donald A. McQuarrie online library ebook bookstore tablet

HOT Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Donald A. McQuarrie online library ebook bookstore tablet

HOT Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach by Donald A. McQuarrie online library ebook bookstore tablet

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Book description
This is arguably the best physical chemistry book out there. The method of presentation and teaching and the high grade quality of the problems are outstanding. This is a great introduction to quantum mechanics and is used in some physics departments as such.I studied chemistry, but that was a few years ago. I wanted to get back to studying quantum mechanics as pass-time. I still had my Atkins book but didnt care for it much. I checked out some of the newer editions by Atkins and other authors and found this one by accident. A lucky find to be sure.The book itself is of very high quality, with beautiful, accurate B&W diagrams. Considering the quality of the book and its content, and that it would be used for three semesters, the price is unbeatable. Other publishers take heed! Enough of this crap with changing a couple of photos and the color scheme and issuing a new edition, which sells for couple of hundred bucks. One last thing. I cant believe that some people have given this book low rating becuase the problems are too hard. Are they now? Oh you poor baby. Watch out, you might learn something. For those people I would recommend the brand new coloring book edition of physical chemistry just published. It comes fully equipped with scratch-and-sniff features and even teaches you first-grade arithmetics.
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