HOT Nurse and Spy in the Union Army The Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-Fields by S. Emma E. Edmonds audio txt doc flibusta free

HOT Nurse and Spy in the Union Army The Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-Fields by S. Emma E. Edmonds audio txt doc flibusta free

HOT Nurse and Spy in the Union Army The Adventures and Experiences of a Woman in Hospitals, Camps, and Battle-Fields by S. Emma

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Captures well the struggle, pain, and desperation of the fight where brother fought brother, but who was the real S. Emma E. Edmonds?Jone Johnson Lewis( Guide) has an article on the author, so somebody believes S. Emma E. Edmonds existed, but frankly I was hard-pressed to believe that the author did as she claimed, or that the true author was even a she. I mean ... blacking your face and putting on a woolly wig to hide among slaves in the Confederate Army? Right. That would have worked for about two seconds. And the more interesting details of the book come suspiciously from other peoples quotations, as though the author herself had little to add. Furthermore, people in the book often address her as boy -- something she could never pass for given the sketches of her. Facts about her seem to morph and change, making her a very inconsistent character. So my take is that the book was a hoax, written to sell in a market dying to read about the war. Suspension of belief aside, the book has fascinating details about the psychology, camp life, and war experience of the times. Not as much as Id hoped -- it tends to degenerate into religious rapture a bit too much for my liking -- but enough to make it interesting. More journal than story, it follows the Army of the Potomac through many of the important battles. For a nurse, she gives disappointingly scant information about medical issues, but captures well the struggle, pain, and desperation of the fight where brother fought brother.I read this book as research for a novel I am writing about a woman doctor in the Civil War, and as research source for that purpose I give it a 2/5 stars -- mainly because I dont trust the author as a reliable source for information.
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