HOT New Moon by Midori Snyder link without registering selling online ebook

HOT New Moon by Midori Snyder link without registering selling online ebook

HOT New Moon by Midori Snyder link without registering selling online ebook

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Book description

Book description
I read, and loved, the last book in this trilogy years ago. I was unable to find the first two in those days before Amazon made all books accessible and eventually gave up. I am glad to finally have all three books in my possession. The writing is gritty and violent, probably one of the things that set the final book of the series apart in my mind. This book introduces Oran, a land of ancient elemental magic, struggling under the oppressive combined rule of the Fire Queen and the occupying force she has allowed in from a neighboring land. The Fire Queen is attempting to stamp out all magic other than hers by having all children with the Old Power executed. The story takes place in the days leading up to a nationwide festival celebrating the Fire Queen and focuses on a noble rebelling against his familys work among those who identify children for execution, the head of a flock of street urchins, a woman of the nomadic tribes who now act as performers but once served as peacekeepers and arbitrators, and a loner street thief strong in the old power.
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