HOT Monster Math by Anne Miranda (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

HOT Monster Math by Anne Miranda (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

HOT Monster Math by Anne Miranda (Goodreads Author) francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
Monster Math is a good informational book for the subject of Mathematics. I would suggest this book to the first grade read. This book is about a monster who has a birthday party - other monsters keep coming and going to this party. After awhile, there were too many monsters at this party, so the monsters mom kicks everyone out. The book counts up to 50 monsters who showed up at this birthday party. This is a good way to show counting to the student in a fun, visual way. I would make this book a read aloud in my classroom and I would read this book when I was introducing the concept of counting to my students. I would recommend this book to other teachers that were teaching around first grade, and if they were doing some math lessons. Literature is a great way to introduce a concept to a child, especially something that may be difficult to a young child, like counting.
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