HOT Meals in a Jar: Quick and Easy, Just-Add-Water, Homemade Recipes by Julie Languille (Goodreads Author) italian kindle online eReader review

HOT Meals in a Jar: Quick and Easy, Just-Add-Water, Homemade Recipes by Julie Languille (Goodreads Author) italian kindle online eReader review

HOT Meals in a Jar: Quick and Easy, Just-Add-Water, Homemade Recipes by Julie Languille (Goodreads Author) italian kindle online

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Book description

Book description
A one-of-a-kind cookbook for scrumptious homemade meals that you can snugly package and save for future useWhy settle for preservative-packed frozen dinners, freeze-dried backpacking food, and military MREs when a healthier and tastier option can easily be stored in the pantry? Meals in a Jar provides the step-by-step, detailed instructions needed to create all-natural breakfast, lunch, and dinner options that you can keep on a shelf and enjoy at any time.Includes over 150 quick-and-easy all-in-one meals, such as:Creamy tomato soupArtisan breadLemon chicken piccataChocolate cakeThese scrumptious recipes allow even the most inexperienced chefs to serve gourmet dishes. Not only are these meals perfect for everyday events like camping trips, after-school study sessions, and rushed evenings, but they can also be life-savers in times of disasters like fires, blackouts, or hurricanes. Perfect for the modern jarring and canning generation, this book proves that just because food is easy-to-store and long-lasting doesn’t mean it can’t be delicious and nutritious.
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