HOT Maxs Diamonds by Jay Greenfield download book free epub

HOT Maxs Diamonds by Jay Greenfield download book free epub

HOT Maxs Diamonds by Jay Greenfield download book free epub

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Book description
A stunning decades-spanning debut novel, about a man forced to confront his moral culpability, the legacy of impossible loss, and the claims of his Jewish identity.Paul Hartman, coming of age in postwar Rockaway, grows up haunted by the specter of his cousin Max, an Auschwitz survivor, and his mysterious cache of diamonds, which fund Paul’s Harvard Law education and even sparkle in his fiancée’s engagement ring. When a stranger from his past confronts him with an impossible demand, one that could destroy his law career, his marriage and his sense of self, Paul must make choices that will change his fate forever.“Five Stars (out of Five)! An incredibly engaging and thought-provoking story of one man haunted by the grief of his past. Max’s Diamonds, an excellent new work of fiction by Jay Greenfield, traces the life of a man hiding his past and a traumatic childhood. This is a story filled with secrets, lies, and an overwhelming sense of grief .…[The rich characters combine with beautiful descriptions of settings and, at times, an almost lyrical prose .” — Tracy Fischer, Foreword Reviews“A terrific read, fast-paced and darkly humorous. — Eve Keller, co-author, Two Rings: A Story of Love and War“Jay Greenfield’s engrossing novel vividly depicts a young man’s coming of age in Rockaway, a close-knit beach community in New York, during and after World War II .... We could not put this novel down.” — Lawrence Kaplan and Carol Kaplan, co-authors, Between Ocean and City: The Transformation of Rockaway, New York
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