HOT Magical Pokemon Journey, Volume 7: From the Heart by Yumi Tsukirino link italian free iBooks ipad

HOT Magical Pokemon Journey, Volume 7: From the Heart by Yumi Tsukirino link italian free iBooks ipad

HOT Magical Pokemon Journey, Volume 7: From the Heart by Yumi Tsukirino link italian free iBooks ipad

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Book description
Not your little brothers pokemon! meet the reluctant object of Hazels affections and a host of feminine rivals, plus an ever-growing cast of Pokemon. Clefairy thought it would be a shoe-in for an art contest at the fairgrounds until the painter Pokemon Smeargle upstaged everybody. Can Clefairys friends help the distraught Pokemon get out of its funk? Then, Almonds trip to the Cave of Slumbers results in his being put into a deep sleep! Can Hazel and Coconut and his Pokemon friends save him?
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