HOT Love the Way You Lie by Skye Warren (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

HOT Love the Way You Lie by Skye Warren (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

HOT Love the Way You Lie by Skye Warren (Goodreads Author) sale price value ios online

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3 Didnt feel it Stars! I have been on a Skye Warren roll these days. I adored Prisoner and her writing so much that I dived into this one too. However, I just didnt feel it. The rating is solely based on her writing and last half of the book. The first half was such a chore for me. I didnt feel any connection with our down-trodden heroine named Honor/Honey. And the mysterious Kip was just that--Mysterious. We didnt get to know anything about him until the very end. And seriously, all the mystery was getting old.So the story is that Honey/Honor is running from her past. Arent they all? She takes on a job as a stripper because, well...she doesnt have a choice, people!One day Kip comes riding in with his leather jacket and sexy boots (BTW...Boots play a very important/sexy part in the story. If you get my drift ;) LOL!). Now Honey is like, Oh God! I want that but I cant trust him! And Kip is like, Talk to me, Honey! I am here to save you. Then she goes, You cant, no one can. Didnt you listen, I cant trust you!Finally, Kip gives up on the conversation and they have sex. it felt like he was saying if you cant trust me, trust my c**kThats the first half. And in the second half, we get some action and mysteries are revealed. So I can definitely say the second half was much better. Anyhoo! Writing is good all throughout. God! I really didnt know she could write like that. I had totally forgotten about it. But now I think I am going to read all of her books. I hope they are as good as Prisoner and Wanderlust.
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