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HOT Love is for the Living by Nicholas Kinsley (Goodreads Author) ebook finder bookstore amazon free

HOT Love is for the Living by Nicholas Kinsley (Goodreads Author) ebook finder bookstore amazon free

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Book description
Novel (80,000 words)Genres: Gay Romance Horror/AdventureThe zombies have arrived, and Blaine needs to escape. Hed always thought of his London neighborhood as a place of safety, but then his infected neighbors tried to eat him. Blaine packed a bag and fled through growing numbers of shambling, voracious monsters--people, he had to remind himself, theyre people--toward his family in Bristol. He would surely have died without the turn of luck that brought him Commander Andrew Peterson. Together, they face the horrors and adversities of the apocalypse, trying to protect their loved ones, and—if they’re lucky—find love for themselves. (M/M - See publishers website for content labels.)
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