HOT Lord Runthornes Dilemma by Sarah-Jane Steele tom kickass download pc book

HOT Lord Runthornes Dilemma by Sarah-Jane Steele tom kickass download pc book

HOT Lord Runthornes Dilemma by Sarah-Jane Steele tom kickass download pc book

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Book description
As far as the Marquis of Runthorne is concerned, there are only three reasons for marriage. For wealth, for position or for an heir. And an heir he must have. Love is not part of the bargain. He banished all thought of that when the only woman he ever loved left him with neither warning nor explanation. However, this rational attitude is turned on its head when Runthorne unexpectedly re-meets Elizabeth Hampton at a House Party. She is the woman who walked away, with his heart in her keeping. Fight it how he will, he cannot deny the attraction that still lies between them, but can he overcome her distrust and convince her of his sincerity? Unfortunately, also at the House Party is the extremely beautiful and determined Aurelia Lacey. She is the debutant he has just asked to marry him. Runthorne knows that neither she nor her mother, the manipulative Lady Delphine, are going to let a little thing like love stand between Aurelia and a marchioness’ coronet.Finally, will he ever learn why Elizabeth fled so many years before? And how much does Lady Delphine really know about that time?Torn between his old love and duty to his betrothed, what is he to do?
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