HOT Lipsmackin Backpackin: Lightweight Trail-tested Recipes for Backcountry Trips by Christine Conners txt online free

HOT Lipsmackin Backpackin: Lightweight Trail-tested Recipes for Backcountry Trips by Christine Conners txt online free

HOT Lipsmackin Backpackin: Lightweight Trail-tested Recipes for Backcountry Trips by Christine Conners txt online free

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Book description
Ill be honest and say that dinners are why I bought this - snacks and breakfast arent that hard to make, but dinners, especially for a group, can be challenging. I did a quick count, and 40 of the 59 dinners require a dehydrator. Of the ones that dont, the authors include recipes with ramen, spam, and macaroni and cheese, none of which I need a cookbook for and two of which I bought the book to get away from. And then theres the Trail-grown sprouts dinner which suggests growing sprouts for three days in netting, presumably in your pack, and then eating. This is hardly a full meal. There are also a few dinner recipes with the main ingredient being plants or fish caught while in the backcountry, such as Sandys Weed Salad with Collect greens along the way in a plastic sack and wash them in streams and then toss with dressing as the directions. Most experienced hikers know to not plan on a meal being caught or harvested in the wild. The book is also padded with information about National and Historic Scenic Trails in the United States, which is ok information I guess, but a) is of very little use to most people unless they plan on traveling the entire country, and b) odd to have in a cook book. I will probably sell this book and look for another that doesnt have so many major meals (e.g. dinners) that require a dehydrator.
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