HOT Leo the Lop Tail Two by Stephen Cosgrove (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

HOT Leo the Lop Tail Two by Stephen Cosgrove (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

HOT Leo the Lop Tail Two by Stephen Cosgrove (Goodreads Author) direct link story iBooks book spanish

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Book description
This book is about a fuzzy bunny named Leo. He wanted to be scary like a bear, not cute like a bunny. He tried to be scary but everyone laughed at him. He also tried to be brave, and everyone laughed at him. While Leo was being sad, a fire was raging though the woods. He went and found all the animals and led them to safety. He became a very brave bunny. I like this book because there is text on one side of the page, and there is a detailed picture on the other side of the page. The text and pictures complement one another. There is also a moral to be learned at the end of the story. Which make this book a very worthy read. I would use this book to teach my children. They would enjoy looking at the pictures, and they would also learn some great life lessons. They would be better kids for reading this book.
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