HOT Legend of the Five Rings RPG by Shawn Carman (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

HOT Legend of the Five Rings RPG by Shawn Carman (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

HOT Legend of the Five Rings RPG by Shawn Carman (Goodreads Author) touch francais english online view

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Book description
Take up the twin swords of a fierce bushi, command the mystical powers a shugenja, or brave the tangled political webs of a courtier. The Emerald Empire is a land of conflict, danger and intrigue. Face the horrors of the malevolent Shadowlands or dare the endless internal conflicts that threaten each day to tear a fragile empire apart. This is a land where the skilled and daring win glory greater than they could ever dream. A land where honor is a force stronger than steel.The game contains:- A quick and easy system that is compatible with all 3rd edition products.- A detailed look at each clan from the Empire, including events that have changed the world since the release of third edition.- Over forty different schools, including the insidious Spider Clan.- The game also parallels the metaplot of the CCG by the same name.- Many of the problem schools and have been changed for better balance.
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