HOT Juanita Brooks: Mormon Woman Historian by Levi S. Peterson eReader via full english book

HOT Juanita Brooks: Mormon Woman Historian by Levi S. Peterson eReader via full english book

HOT Juanita Brooks: Mormon Woman Historian by Levi S. Peterson eReader via full english book

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Book description
I had heard of Juanita Brooks, but knew very little about her before reading this book, despite that she lived a substantial portion of her life in my home town. We even overlapped there for a few years, from 1977 until her death in 1989. I obtained a copy of this book at a sale of the University of Utah Press several years ago. Its probably one of my best purchases in books, because it allowed me to learn about a person that I now consider a personal role model in many ways. The book is very readable. I started reading it the same day I was falling asleep reading another book, and I think I went through the first two chapters in one day. Of course, many of the places and family names from the book are familiar to me, so I am likely much more interested in the book than the casual reader. Ms. Brooks life is not particularly dramatic, but the way she managed to achieve extraordinary accomplishments while maintaining an ordinary life is impressive (and encouraging). I dont know about all those trips on night busses though. I dont think I could quite manage that!
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