HOT Jesus Cropped from the Picture: Why Christians Get Bored and How to Restore Them to Vibrant Faith by Don Allsman txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Jesus Cropped from the Picture: Why Christians Get Bored and How to Restore Them to Vibrant Faith by Don Allsman txt ebay pdf direct link online

HOT Jesus Cropped from the Picture: Why Christians Get Bored and How to Restore Them to Vibrant Faith by Don Allsman txt ebay pdf

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Book description
Why are many churches shrinking? Why are so many Christians bored? Could it be that the well-meaning attempt to simplify the gospel message for contemporary culture has produced churches full of discouraged people secretly longing for something more? Jesus Cropped from the Picture describes this phenomenon and proposes a return to our sacred roots as a guard against spiritual lethargy and a way to enhance spiritual vibrancy.
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