HOT In Firm Pursuit by Pamela Samuels Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

HOT In Firm Pursuit by Pamela Samuels Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

HOT In Firm Pursuit by Pamela Samuels Young (Goodreads Author) online iBooks offline eng free

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Book description
Vernetta Henderson had set her sights on partnership in an esteemed law firm long ago – before she even went to law school. O’Reilly & Finney just may be that law firm. But now partnership may escape her grasp once again. This was only a sexual harassment suit within Micronics – it should have been easy-peasy for Vernetta, especially since opposing counsel was so ill equipped to handle the case. But it’s been anything but easy. Is it only sexual harassment, or is there something much more sinister going on?The woman who filed the harassment suit has died, or has she been killed? All of a sudden, there are a lot of documents uncovered that had not been in her grasp before she went to the preliminaries, and there are other documents that are now disappearing. The more Vernetta tries to get a handle on this case, the more things unravel.Vernetta’s marriage with Jefferson is once again in trouble as he has been working long and hard hours on a construction site away from home. Then someone destroys her friend, Special’s, apartment looking for something, but what could they possibly be looking for in Special’s home?This is the third legal thriller I’ve read by Pamela Samuels-Young. It is the second in the Vernetta Henderson series followed by Every Reasonable Doubt. The friendship between Vernetta and Special are both entertaining and heart-warming. I do, however, feel that the story line of Vernetta’s and Jefferson’s relationship issues was somewhat mirrored to the last book and served only as a distraction from the case in this book. In addition, the ‘mystery’, if you will, was told to the reader through the flashback of one of the guilty party rather than by pure investigative skills. I rated this 3.5 out of 5.
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