HOT Im Not Really Here by Tim Allen online full buy text how read

HOT Im Not Really Here by Tim Allen online full buy text how read

HOT Im Not Really Here by Tim Allen online full buy text how read

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Book description
This book is absolutely terrible. 38 pages in and I give up. Now, I loved his first book, Dont Stand Too Close To A Naked Man. That one was fun lighthearted reading. This book is about his weekend alone while his wife and daughter are away as he nears a mid-life crisis trying to find the answers to why were here, etc. To give you an idea about why this book by a comedian is so obnoxious, let me just state that on page 37 he starts going into detail about a quantum physics priciple called Schrodingers Cat paradox. Hes not making fun of it, he explains it and wonders if its principles can be applied to life. He rattles on about this paradox for 7 pages!! The book was bad up to this point, but now its just pathetic. The book starts out with a 5 page dream sequence in a jungle that literally makes no sense whatsoever at all, and the book goes downhill from there. I cant finish this and Im selling my copy of the book.
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