HOT Ice Is Nice!: All About the North and South Poles by Bonnie Worth online mp3 doc read direct link

HOT Ice Is Nice!: All About the North and South Poles by Bonnie Worth online mp3 doc read direct link

HOT Ice Is Nice!: All About the North and South Poles by Bonnie Worth online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description

Book description
Chill out with the Cat in the Hat as he takes Sally and Dick to visit the North and South Poles in this very cool Cat in the Hat Learning Library book! As the Cat and Co. mingle with reindeer, musk oxen, polar bears, caribou, and all sorts of penguins, they discover how the animals stay warm in freezing temeratures, why it’s colder at the South Pole than at the North Pole, that one pole is located on land and the other isn’t, and how scientists are studying climate change to keep both poles icy cold. Perfect for fans of the hit PBS kids TV show The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That, this is a great choice for curling up with on a winter’s day!
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