HOT I loved you then, I love you now: messages from the Spirit world. by Ursula Carr online read value how read torrent

HOT I loved you then, I love you now: messages from the Spirit world. by Ursula Carr online read value how read torrent

HOT I loved you then, I love you now: messages from the Spirit world. by Ursula Carr online read value how read torrent

> READ BOOK > I loved you then, I love you now: messages from the Spirit world.

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Book description

Book description
I loved you then, I love you now, a collection of true stories based on amazing, fascinating and heart-warming communications between loved ones here and in the spirit world. Ursula tells these stories in a friendly, down to earth no nonsense way, making them a pleasure to read. Are you intrigued as to what happens when we leave this life? Do you wonder if there is more? Another way of life, a further existence? Would you like to know more about Spirit communication? I loved you then, I love you now, links the two worlds, it tells personal accounts of courage, love and determination, and explains how a message is received from a loved one who has passed to the Spirit world. By the same author: Secrets of Visualisation, Secrets of Visualisation for Love, Wish Magic for Christmas, More Wish Magic & Love Spells.
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