HOT Holiday Homecoming / A Soldier for Christmas by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

HOT Holiday Homecoming / A Soldier for Christmas by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

HOT Holiday Homecoming / A Soldier for Christmas by Jillian Hart (Goodreads Author) kindle review wiki free pocket

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Book description
Holiday HomecomingWhen Kristin McKaslin finds herself snowbound for Thanksgiving, Ryan Sanders comes to her rescue. And as their paths cross again and again for each festive occasion, she starts to wonder. She came home for the holidays—would she be willing to stay for love?A Soldier for ChristmasIts pure chance that has Mitch Dalton walking into Kelly Logans shop. But when the soldier asks if he can write her, a correspondence courtship starts to thrive. After holiday leave brings Mitch home, he knows he cant leave again without Kellys promise to be his Christmas bride.
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