HOT Gypsy and Nimblefoot by Sharon Wagner spanish download information eng book

HOT Gypsy and Nimblefoot by Sharon Wagner spanish download information eng book

HOT Gypsy and Nimblefoot by Sharon Wagner spanish download information eng book

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Book description

Book description
This was like what the Linda Craig series should have been. There is a slight mystery story in the first part of the book but its believable and done well (unlike many of the Linda Craig books). Like the Linda Craig books, this one features a girl and her super-smart filly. The difference here is that the girl is not an orphan (but her parents are away from the country on business) and the filly is only a yearling. The girl has problems, similar to a piebald named Nimblefoot staying on the ranch the girl temporarily calls home. (A virtual orphan, then?) The horse is terrified of stepping on rocks. Not a good phobia for a horse on a dude ranch living in rocky country.This was the first Gypsy book I read and so I was confused a bit by not reading the previous book in the series, Gypsy From Nowhere. There is a halfway decent summary here but you really need to read the first book in order to understand how the girls character has progressed.It was refreshing to read a horse book where horses play a prominent role instead of just being background ornaments. It was a shame that the series ended at only the third book. It seemed to be very promising. I wonder what happened.
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