HOT Greta Garbages Outrageous Bathroom Book by Greta Garbage txt download free

HOT Greta Garbages Outrageous Bathroom Book by Greta Garbage txt download free

HOT Greta Garbages Outrageous Bathroom Book by Greta Garbage txt download free

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Book description
Move over, Uncle John. Here comes a hipper book with engrossing-and just plain gross-articles on subjects other bathroom books barely touch: celebrities, sex, drugs, computers, and crime, along with plenty of traditional toilet-tank fare. This bathroom book with attitude contains over 1,000 shocking stories, fascinating factoids, unforgettable quotes, hilarious humor, and startling trivia to keep you entertained while you heed Nature¬?s call. Pull up some porcelain and let Garbage entertain you with essential sports trivia, disgusting presidents, and kinky sex; or take a load off and learn how to avoid jury duty, clone your dog or cat, be a movie extra, get a raise, or work your way out of traffic tickets. Keep this treasure trove at the ready and make those visits to the loo even more satisfying.‚Ä¢ Spouting random tidbits of knowledge gleaned from GRETA GARBAGE will make you the envy of your friends and the life of the party (as long as you don¬?t divulge where you did your research!).For a list of appearances by this author, check out our Calendar of Events.
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