HOT Good Looking: Essays on the Virtue of Images by Barbara Maria Stafford look eng full story read

HOT Good Looking: Essays on the Virtue of Images by Barbara Maria Stafford look eng full story read

HOT Good Looking: Essays on the Virtue of Images by Barbara Maria Stafford look eng full story read

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Book description
Good Looking constitutes an important and permanent contribution to the growing critique of text-driven post-structuralist critical practice as an efficacious tool for talking about visible and visual artifacts in this culture. -- David Hickey, Associate Professor of Art Criticism and Theory, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Building on the arguments of her previous books, Body Criticism (1991) and Artful Science (1994), Good Looking challenges the reflexive identification of images with vice. Today rampant criticism, both inside and outside the academy, condemns the immoralities of aesthetic illusion, museum display, cable televison, and hypermedia. Believing with the American pragmatists that it is harder to do than to denounce, Barbara Stafford urges imagists to abandon Foucaults bankrupt paradigm of verbal combat. Instead of more improving theoretical discourse, she calls for developing a positive visual praxis on the interpretive ruins of linguistic postmodernism. Not deconstructive autopsy, but demonstrating the historical virtues of visualization for the emergent era of computerism is the task at hand.
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