HOT Good Advice for a Bad Economy by John Ventura windows without signing epub book view

HOT Good Advice for a Bad Economy by John Ventura windows without signing epub book view

HOT Good Advice for a Bad Economy by John Ventura windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
The economy can go from smooth sailing to stormy weather, seemingly without warning. And since both the national and global economies have encountered some rainy days recently, readers are anxious for advice on how to avoid getting soaked. Legal and financial experts John Ventura and Mary Reed offer advice on surviving such downturns, and in this straightforward guide they offer advice on: € what bills to pay when you cant pay them all € increasing your household income € negotiating with creditors € laws that can protect you € how to handle--or avoid--evictions, foreclosures, and vehicle repossessions € how to spot bogus credit repair firms € and more
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