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Book description
The edited transcripts from Lee Lozowicks seminar in Mexico City in May 2006. Each chapter is an essay covering both practical and esoteric topics relative to daily life and spiritual practice. Lozowick explores what it means to get real, in contrast to modern illusions of what it means to be spiritual. His words are compassionate, brutally honest and humorous, as he confronts the notions that keep his students and listeners stuck in impractical visions of God or the enlightened life. Instead, he encourages a relationship to reality that is characterized by integrity and discipline. His chapter on money is perhaps most surprising, a subject central in everyones life. He posits that either we work with money, or money will work with us. It is our choice! He discusses laws of money as well dont take things on faith always find out what something is going to cost you, especially when dealing with friends money is the energy of possibility money needs to be kept moving to generate more energy. If we merely sit on it money or energy its possibility dies Other interesting and provocative topics include personal transformation; obedience; and guru yoga, a subject that is relatively unknown in the contemporary religious scene.
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