HOT Flowers on Main by Sherryl Woods (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

HOT Flowers on Main by Sherryl Woods (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

HOT Flowers on Main by Sherryl Woods (Goodreads Author) reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
When her last two plays are dismal failures and her relationship with her temperamental mentor falls apart, writer Bree OBrien abandons Chicago and the regional theater where she hoped to make a name for herself to return home. Opening Flowers on Main promises to bring her a new challenge and a new kind of fulfillment.But not all is peaceful and serene in Chesapeake Shores, with her estranged mother on the scene and her ex-lover on the warpath. Jake Collins has plenty of reasons to want Bree out of his life, but none of those are a match for the one reason he wants her to stay: hes still in love with her.Jake might be able to get past that old hurt if he knew Bree was home to stay, but is she? The only way to know for sure is to take a dangerous leap of faith.
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