HOT Fifth Dispatch by Stuart Swezey (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book online wiki how to read

HOT Fifth Dispatch by Stuart Swezey (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book online wiki how to read

HOT Fifth Dispatch by Stuart Swezey (Goodreads Author) (Editor) book online wiki how to read

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Book description

Book description
The definitive reference work surveying the outer margins of our Information Age, the Amok Fifth Dispatch presents in one volume the entire gamut of extreme literature available from hundreds of publishers worldwide, complete with ordering information. The Amok Fifth Dispatch is arranged according to its own ground-breaking taxonomy, from Control (analysis of power structures from the Trilateral Commission to the American Psychiatric Assn.) to Mayhem (true crime, disasters, forensic medicine) to Neuropolitics (pyschedelia, parapsychology, brain chemistry) to Scratch n Sniff (pop culture and kitsch) to Orgone (sexuality, the body, and the life-force) and more. The previous sourcebook, the Amok Fourth Dispatch, became a must-read underground sensation and went on to sell over 50,000 copies.
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