HOT Fantasies of Femininity: Reframing the Boundaries of Sex by Jane M. Ussher view acquire free how to shop

HOT Fantasies of Femininity: Reframing the Boundaries of Sex by Jane M. Ussher view acquire free how to shop

HOT Fantasies of Femininity: Reframing the Boundaries of Sex by Jane M. Ussher view acquire free how to shop

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Book description
In Fantasies of Femininity, Jane Ussher focuses on unraveling the contradictory visions of feminine sexuality: the fact that representations of the definition of woman seethe with sexuality yet for centuries women have been condemned for exploring their own sexual desires. In her quest for the sources of feminine representation, Ussher interviewed dozens of women - as well as some men - and combed popular media - from Seventeen to Cosmopolitan and Dallas to Donahue - to identify what shapes womens symbolic images of sex and femininity. Ussher argues that women have effectively resisted and subverted these archetypal fantasies of femininity, and in the process of so doing, reframed the very boundaries of sex. In this way, she exposes as myth much of what we think we know about woman and about sex.
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