HOT Deus Encarmine by James Swallow (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

HOT Deus Encarmine by James Swallow (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

HOT Deus Encarmine by James Swallow (Goodreads Author) iBooks online how read via how to

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Book description
I personally thought this was an awesome novel. James Swallow does a fantastic job at really building tension. There were a good number of times when things happened that were completely unexpected to me. I also love that there is far less plot armour than in some 40K fiction *cough* ultramarines *cough*. Though I would say that the best part of this novel is the main characters thoughts and reactions to the events unfolding around him. I heard a lot of bad things about this series and James Swallows writing, but I really enjoyed it. Check it out if you are a 40K fan, or particularly Blood Angels or the Word Bearers!
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