HOT Deadpool Team-Up, Volume 2: Special Relationship by Rob Williams (Writer) online pdf shop ipad acquire

HOT Deadpool Team-Up, Volume 2: Special Relationship by Rob Williams (Writer) online pdf shop ipad acquire

HOT Deadpool Team-Up, Volume 2: Special Relationship by Rob Williams (Writer) online pdf shop ipad acquire

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Book description
Everyones favorite Merc with a Mouth continues hacking and wisecracking his way across the Marvel Universe in this second volume of Deadpool Team-Up! And theres guest-stars galore as he meets up with some of your favorite heroes. First, see Deadpool head over to England where he bumps into Captain Britain and does battle with Slaymaster. Then, what happens when the only person a demonic sorceress named Satana can find to help her is our lovable and slightly deranged Deadpool? Well, telling you would be telling, but if you listen real hard you might hear the distant chimes bells!? All this plus three more tales of mayhem!Collecting: Deadpool Team-Up 893-889
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