HOT Dead in the Water by Kate Sweeney (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

HOT Dead in the Water by Kate Sweeney (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

HOT Dead in the Water by Kate Sweeney (Goodreads Author) read txt how download audio prewiew

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Book description
In the tenth installment of the series, Kate Ryan is about to pop the question to Maggie. Yes, yes, it’s about time. The question now is where, when, and how? The “why” is evident. So with great trepidation, Kate accepts the help of Maggie’s adorable Aunt Hannah. Together, they will try to answer those questions before Kate has an anxiety attack—not from asking Maggie to marry her, but from Hannah’s help. A nice romantic weekend cruise on Lake Superior should do the trick. Kate figures the worst possible scenario is Maggie jumping overboard. This might be the best idea Hannah has ever had. And Kate wonders how she ever doubted her. Until a passenger dies on the first day of their cruise, and all hell breaks loose. With her plans of a romantic marriage proposal seemingly dead in the water, Kate is now ready to jump overboard—and take Hannah with her.
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