HOT Dark of the Moon by John Dickson Carr read bookshop acquire macbook download

HOT Dark of the Moon by John Dickson Carr read bookshop acquire macbook download

HOT Dark of the Moon by John Dickson Carr read bookshop acquire macbook download

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Book description
At #23, this is the final Gideon Fell novel: and all I want to do is forget that that I ever read the last ten books or so and start back with the first one, HAG’S NOOK, in order to remind myself of how much I liked the pre-war Fell [and how much I dislike the post-war books]. This one is set on James Island outside Charleston, South Carolina: and oh. My. GOD! The book is lousy with bad Southern dialect and creaky Southern stereotypes. All the complaints I’ve had about inauthentic dialogue, poorly-timed and overly-broad humor, stilted dialogue, and a fossilized Mad Men-era attitude towards female characters are in fulsome flower here. Plus there is a lot of clumsy and unnecessary exposition. One character launches into a history of the Civil War in response to an irritable demand from Fell to explain why he invited Fell to Charleston. And there also a lot of lines like this one: “As you know, you got your degree at Cambridge.” As if anyone needs to be told what they did with their own life. I mean, it’s that bad. Sigh.
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