HOT Danelaw by Susan Squires (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

HOT Danelaw by Susan Squires (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

HOT Danelaw by Susan Squires (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

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Book description
Susan Squires is a NYT bestselling author known for breaking the rules of romance. Whatever her time period or subject, some element of the paranormal creeps in. She has won multiple contests for published novels and reviewers choice awards. Publishers Weekly named Body Electric one of the ten most influential mass market books and One with the Shadows a Best Book. Time for Eternity received a starred review.Susan has a Masters in English literature from UCLA and once toiled as an executive for a Fortune 500 company. Now she lives at the beach with her husband, Harry, a writer of supernatural thrillers, and three Belgian Sheepdogs, who like to help her write by putting their chins on the keyboardddddddddddd.
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