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HOT Cursed by Nykki Mills (Goodreads Author) download book mobi

HOT Cursed by Nykki Mills (Goodreads Author) download book mobi

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Book description
The line between sanity and sobriety can quickly fade when you can talk to the dead…Gina Flinn is no stranger to the dark side. She’s been walking the tightrope with death for years. Plagued with abnormal abilities ranging from picking up old memories to reading auras, Gina found herself in a downward spiral into drugs and alcohol. She’s been clean and sober for a year now, but when she starts seeing the pesky ghost of the old lady down the street, things start to unravel. It’s a minor annoyance until a ghost of a woman in red shows up and starts tormenting Gina with visions of a violent pastSeeing a side of death that no one should leads Gina straight into Ben Peterson’s path…In an attempt reunite the old lady with her beloved cat, Gina runs into Ben, who is eager to help her. But no one can help her—the woman in red is relentless, which forces Gina to turn back to the comfort of intoxication. She blacks out and wakes up in bed with Ben, only to find herself on the wrong side of the law. Gina got into a fight with one of her classmates during her blackout, and now the girl is missing…Gina is the number one suspect, and with her history of substance abuse and erratic behavior, everyone is sure she’s guilty. She knows she’s innocent and it all leads back to the woman in red. But with the police breathing down her neck, and Ben the only person willing to believe her story, Gina must find a way to prove her innocence or finally accept that maybe she really is… Cursed.
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