HOT Courting Trouble by Nonnie St. George value selling read itunes djvu

HOT Courting Trouble by Nonnie St. George value selling read itunes djvu

HOT Courting Trouble by Nonnie St. George value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
PERHAPS YOUVE HEARD OF ME?The Duke of St. Fell, at your service. The women of the ton call me cynical, accuse me of gambling, drinking, seducing, and wanting to marry only for money. Guilty as charged. As for romance? Pure twaddle invented by brooding spinsters. Thank heavens for Arabella Swann. With her sharp wit, strong will, keen intelligence, and utterly delightful fortune, shell make a perfect wife for me--as soon as she gets over her ridiculous notions of romance and realizes it. After all, I am a duke and devastatingly handsome and charming. Its not as if she could possibly find a better suitor than me.Except for that pestilential Lord Stonecraft. The sap remembers Arabellas favorite flowers and perfume. He even writes epic poetry. Hes everything shes ever wanted, damn him. Now that hes wormed his way into her affections, how can I possibly compete with such romantic perfection? And how will I ever prove to Arabella that this cynical duke no longer cares a whit for her fortune (heaven help me)...but only for her heart...
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