HOT Coltrane on Coltrane: The John Coltrane Interviews by Chris DeVito text how download book selling mp3

HOT Coltrane on Coltrane: The John Coltrane Interviews by Chris DeVito text how download book selling mp3

HOT Coltrane on Coltrane: The John Coltrane Interviews by Chris DeVito text how download book selling mp3

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Book description

Book description
John Coltrane grew up “under the spell,” as he put it, of Charlie Parker. But he needed to create a new sound, a music that had nothing to do with anyone except himself. The path he chose was difficult and risky. Nevertheless, he persisted. His work now stands with the greatest music of all time, and continues to inspire devotion, adoration, and joy nearly 50 years after his death.           Coltrane was also one of the few musicians whose life, thoughts, and words are as inspiring as his music. This book collects, for the first time, those words.            Coltrane was a gracious interviewee. His responses were thoughtful and measured; he rarely said anything negative about others (though he could be highly self-critical). Interviewers noted how different Coltrane seemed from his music--this quiet man whose music was so volcanic.            Coltrane on Coltrane includes every known Coltrane interview, many in new transcriptions, and several previously unpublished; articles, reminiscences, and liner notes that rely on interviews; and some of Coltrane’s personal writings and correspondence.            John Coltrane never wrote an autobiography. This book is as close to one as possible.
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