HOT Colors of a Sunset: : An Algonquin Nature Myth by Anita Yasuda fb2 bookstore tom book reading

HOT Colors of a Sunset: : An Algonquin Nature Myth by Anita Yasuda fb2 bookstore tom book reading

HOT Colors of a Sunset: : An Algonquin Nature Myth by Anita Yasuda fb2 bookstore tom book reading

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Book description

Book description
The Algonquin people often told stories that taught the listener lessons on human behavior. In this nature myth, the sunrise and sunset is honored in the tale of chiefs son who cried for the colors of the sunset. This tale also provide the explanation of how tadpoles came to be. The Algonquin nature myth is retold in this brilliantly illustrated Native American Myth. Short Tales is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO Publishing Group. Grades 3-6.
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