HOT Chocolat: From the Cocoa Bean to the Chocolate Bar by Pierre MARCOLINI doc ebay book bookstore pocket

HOT Chocolat: From the Cocoa Bean to the Chocolate Bar by Pierre MARCOLINI doc ebay book bookstore pocket

HOT Chocolat: From the Cocoa Bean to the Chocolate Bar by Pierre MARCOLINI doc ebay book bookstore pocket

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Book description

Book description
From the worlds finest chocolatier, who originated the -bean-to-bar- concept, comes this collection of 170 recipes for the very best and most essential chocolate confections. Belgiums foremost practitioner of the art of fine chocolate making shares his passion and his knowledge in this extravagantly beautiful volume. Pierre Marcolinis confections have been acclaimed as the worlds most delectable chocolate creations, and his book is a delicious immersion into the world of fine chocolate and a tribute to its majesty. Marcolini was the first chocolatier to create his chocolates according to a bean-to-bar philosophy-- an idea born from the realization that just as the finest wines reflect the -terroir- in which the grapes are grown, so too would chocolate benefit from careful selection from specific estates. Here, he reveals the trade secrets of the art of fine chocolate making: learn how to roast, grind, and temper the chocolate at home just like the professionals and master all aspects of chocolate making. His recipes run the gamut of chocolate possibilities--irresistible creamy sauces, decadent pastries, bars, truffles, and even a smattering of savory dishes--and are beautifully presented and gorgeously photographed in this handsome volume that no chocolate lover should be without.
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