HOT Captain Jacks Woman by Stephanie Laurens (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

HOT Captain Jacks Woman by Stephanie Laurens (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

HOT Captain Jacks Woman by Stephanie Laurens (Goodreads Author) flibusta fb2 download original online

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Book description
They meet in a clash of swords, drenched in the moonlight of Britain’s rugged eastern coast: Captain Jack, his handsome features etched in silver and shadow, his powerful physique compelling “Kit” Cranmer to surrender. He is her dream lover come vividly alive, and his command of the smuggling gang is absolute. His all-knowing gaze penetrates her disguise as the “lad” leader of a rival gang with frightening ease and his “punishment” with kisses leaves her maidenly modesty in tatters.Suddenly Kit finds she’s only too delighted to explore with Jack the pleasures conventionally reserved for married ladies . . . little knowing what dangerous forces she’s unleashing. For even as Kit revels in midnight gallops and cottage rendezvous, Captain Jack is laying a gentle trap that will curtail her freedom . . . and bind her to him with a ring, a promise . . . and ties of devotion and desire.
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