HOT Captain America: American Nightmare by Mark Waid txt online reading

HOT Captain America: American Nightmare by Mark Waid txt online reading

HOT Captain America: American Nightmare by Mark Waid txt online reading

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I had high hopes for this collection. The hardcover collected Mark Waid’s second arc on his return to the Captain America title in the late Nineties. I enjoyed his first run on the title before Heroes Reborn restarted the numbering. He collaborated with artist Ron Garney to produce a Captain America that was part James Bond, part Jacky Chan and all action. I have a trade paperback of their Operation Rebirth which I enjoyed tremendously. All Waid had to do was follow up his previous Captain America work with another one worth reading. In this arc, Waid teamed up with artist Andy Kubert so it was understandable that my expectations were high when I found a bargain copy of the hardcover. Sadly, it did not live up to its initial promise.In the main story, Captain America faces Nightmare, the Marvel Universe version of the embodiment of dreams. Though there were some engaging moments in the waking world, much of their encounter was resolved in the dreamscape. Besides being a superhero, Cap managed to have a semblance of a civilian life as Steve Rogers, which provided a subplot when he took in a homeless immigrant family. Cap as Rogers was in his community with superheroing as basically his day job. Having read Ed Brubaker’s superlative work with a modern Captain America, I sadly found Waid’s work here uninteresting to say the least. At his core, Captain America was a super-soldier, and in order to do that effectively, he needed to be under the cowl full-time and this was the direction Brubaker took his Cap.What saved this collection was that it included the Annuals from this time period. Annuals are rarely reprinted and this contributed to a hefty page count for this collection.
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