HOT Bone Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons by Sara C. Levine (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

HOT Bone Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons by Sara C. Levine (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

HOT Bone Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons by Sara C. Levine (Goodreads Author) ebay via apple english free

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Book description
Bone by Bone is a great nonfiction book for people who love animals or are talking about animal diversity. I don’t particularly enjoy nonfiction stories on math and science because I feel that they really focus on the topics too much and the story is not enjoyable anymore. That is not the case with this book. Through this story, there are questions that help to keep students engaged and learning about the concepts covered in the story. The pictures that go along with the story are amazing as well. With each new feature that is added to the different bone structures, the human characters change to match what they are talking about. One example of this is when they talk about giraffes in the book. First it asks what animal has vertebrae in their neck. On the same page, it has a picture of a child with a long neck just like a giraffe. I know that the students I work with now would absolutely LOVE hearing this book and would laugh at all the funny pictures.
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