HOT Blue Monday Volume 3: Inbetween Days by Chynna Clugston Flores (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

HOT Blue Monday Volume 3: Inbetween Days by Chynna Clugston Flores (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

HOT Blue Monday Volume 3: Inbetween Days by Chynna Clugston Flores (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
Holidays inspire a lot of different reactions in people. For instance, Clover hates the sappiness of Valentines Day, while Bleu loves Halloween. Clover also hates St. Patricks Day and how people have turned it into an orgy of green beer and leprechauns, but both girls like April Fools Day and how it inspires Victor to dig out his goth gear from the days of yore. The third volume in the popular Blue Monday series is a collection of short stories about the gangs travails over the various seasonal functions. Love blooms, ghost stories abound, and there just may be more than a few party-induced hallucinations. Even on their In-between Days, Chynna Clugston-Majors cast of cut-ups cant avoid getting into hilarious trouble.
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