HOT Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz (Goodreads Author) online how to look sale format

HOT Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz (Goodreads Author) online how to look sale format

HOT Bloody Valentine by Melissa de la Cruz (Goodreads Author) online how to look sale format

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Book description
The Blue Bloods have powers beyond human comprehension: strength that defies logic, speed that cannot be captured on film, the ability to shape-shift, and more. But in matters of the heart, no one, not even those immortal vampires, has total control.In Bloody Valentine, part of the best-selling Blue Bloods series, author Melissa de la Cruz offers three tantalizing stories that delve deep into the love lives of the all-powerful vamps (and their Red Blood friends) from New Yorks Upper East Side. Might a witchy new girl help cure Olivers broken heart? How did Allegra fall in love with a human? Will Schuyler and Jack finally be bonded?Romantic and sensual, Bloody Valentine reveals the undying love, the hope and devastation, and the lust and longing that have defined the Blue Bloods throughout history. Prepare to be swept off your feet.
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